Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Poem

I wrote a rondom poem, about things people might think after they recieve a text. 

Why should I reply?
I wouldn't know what to say.
I couldn't respond to what you said.
What would happen if I complied?
What did you say, again?
What? What is that supposed to mean?
Ugh! You little...
God, where did that come from?
No, I can't come with you.
I have a life, you know!
Get of my back!
Aw! That's so sweet!
No! He wouldn't have... !
You can't! He is MINE!!
That jerk...

Why the heck am I getting so many texts?!

weirdness, I have no reason to write.



Unknown said...

Yikes, Yikes, Yikes...
Remember you are beautiful and no one desseves to die...

Why did I just say that? Oh well...

Hannalew said...

OK? Thanks, I guess...

-Yikez, bff with Sara Rene :)